After 60 years of being cut off from the world, there is now an opportunity to send much needed ministry resources to Cuba. You can help.

$19,500 / $30,000

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photo by Jaume Escofet

Project Update

What is Care for Cuba?

Care for Cuba trains and empowers pastors, Bible workers and volunteers to do evangelism and Bible studies. Simultaneously, Care for Cuba raises funds to provide crucial missing resources to the churches and pastors in Cuba, such as bicycles for transportation, tablet libraries bursting with Biblical, Ellen G. White writings, and many other theological resources in Spanish, computers, projectors, and children’s ministry resources. Because pastors make only $25/month, many ministry needs go unanswered, so Care for Cuba’s goal is to provide these resources, as well as personnel, to spread the good news of the gospel all over the country! Also, in 2017, Care for Cuba sent two Master of Divinity students to be the country’s first long-term Adventist missionaries in over sixty years.

Precious people have been baptized as of December 2020

Bicycles have been provided to pastors and Bible workers with no transportation

Computers with Spanish libraries have been provided to pastors/Bible workers

Tablets with Spanish libraries have been given to pastors/Bible workers

Pastors, Bible workers and volunteers have been equipped with ministry resources

Churches have benefited from ministry resources, transportation and more

Cell phones all packed with bibles and ministry resources

Flash drives distributed with ministry resources

Intruments gifted: Saxophones, guitars, flutes, trumpets, violins, recorders, etc.

Bags of food distributed

How can I help?

Encourage your families and home churches to give to the Cuban Church. 2017 trip attendee Uzziel Maldonado said it best: “I wish I had more money, just so I can give it to this ministry. Here, your money can only do a little, but over there it can do so much! In Cuba, Seminary costs $25/month. That’s what I spend on pizza in one weekend here, but over there it can pay for seminary tuition, fund a family or a Bible worker for a month! What we give to Cubans goes a long way, so I would encourage people to dig deep and give, because God’s work is advancing in Cuba, and all that money goes to His cause—it’s beautiful.”

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Adventist ministry in Cuba.

  • 1904

    The First Adventist

    On May 18, 1904 the first Adventist baptism in Cuba happens in Havana. The Cuba Union Conference is established in 1905.

  • 1959

    Religious Liberty Restricted

    Cuba comes under the communist rule of Fidel Castro and becomes isolated from the rest of the world. Religious expression is restricted.

  • 1990

    Membership Growth

    The SDA church membership in the island reaches 10,000.

  • 2004


    The SDA church in Cuba celebrates 100 years.

  • 2015

    Doors opening

    After over 50 years, US and Cuba move to restore diplomatic relations, easing travel and trade restriction. SDA Church membership surpasses 35,000, including 565 congregations.


    Present opportunities

    Because Cuba has been cut off from trade, travel, and the world economy, the pastors, Bible workers and people in general are lacking many resources we take for granted including, bicycles, bibles, mobile phones, computers, internet, and ministry resources.

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